White Collar & Investigations
The lawyers at Henderson Parks conduct internal investigations when companies suspect wrongdoing, and usually before governmental authorities become involved. We are adept at preserving privilege, while learning whether there was actionable conduct that warrants additional concern or potential liability.
Governmental investigations often start based on complaints. In many instances an individual or business will receive an inquiry from law enforcement or government regulator, requesting documents or information. The lawyers at Henderson Parks know how to respond to government inquiries seeking testimony, documents, or information.
Henderson Parks has extensive experience in White Collar litigation. The lawyers at the have tried numerous cases involving criminal proceedings in federal court. Because our lawyers have only represented White Collar defendants, we have no residual bias favoring the government and provide strong legal representation.
The lawyers at Henderson Parks have represented clients in Grand Jury investigations and criminal proceedings involving allegations of:
bank and credit card fraud,
campaign fund misuse,
computer and internet fraud,
mail fraud and wire fraud,
misappropriate of public funds,
public corruption, and
tax fraud.